DoD Instruction 5400.17
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Certain content has been removed from this website to align with President Trump’s Executive Orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes."
Dear Parents,
As we wrap up Quarter 2 this week, we want to take a moment to celebrate our students' hard work and dedication. It has been a fantastic first half of the school year, and we are proud of everyone's progress.
As we move into Quarter 3, we encourage our students to continue putting forth their best efforts and staying focused on their goals. With the support of our teachers and staff, we know they will continue to thrive academically and personally.
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to an exciting second half of the year!
PreK students will explore instruments that are made from wood and compare how they sound versus nonwood instruments.
We will also review everything we have learned about trees and discuss our favorite parts of the unit.
On Tuesday, all Kinder students will take the Math Benchmark 2 assessment on the Chrome books.
In language arts, we continue to learn about characters and settings in fiction stories. As we start the 3rd quarter, we will apply our knowledge of letters and sounds to more reading and writing activities.
In Science, we will start our Materials and Motion unit. We will use hands-on activities to help us answer the following questions: What is wood? And What happens when wood gets wet?
We will focus on being a good friend in social studies and health. We want to be ‘Bucket fillers’! It’s a short yet busy week!
Next week in ELA, we will continue working in Unit 4, Week 2: How do people create stories? We will work on the consonant digraphs ch, tch, and wh. Our shared reading story is Chicken Little. We will focus on retelling key details of the story, using text evidence to answer questions, and using text evidence to draw inferences. In writing, we will write about key details, write a narrative, and write questions about text evidence from our weekly readings.
In math, we will begin Unit 7: Meanings of Addition. This unit will teach us how to write equations to solve addition word problems.
In health, we will learn how to keep our bodies healthy and the signs of when we are becoming sick.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with your student's teacher. Have a wonderful weekend! ☺️
In ELA, 2nd grade will continue to focus on different perspectives, understanding that different perspectives can change a person's experience.
In math, students will continue to work on measurement.
In science, the 2nd grade will dive into solids and liquids this next week.
This week, 3rd Grade has been learning about unit fractions, how to locate fractions on a number line, and how to represent whole numbers as fractions.
In ELA, students have been learning about different points of view, identifying how the narrator's language choices can influence the reader's perspective. We have also started to introduce opinion writing!
In Science, students have continued to learn about the structural adaptations of the crayfish.
In Social Studies, we will learn more about maps, continents, and oceans.
In ELA, we will learn how to compare points of view.
In Math, we will continue to practice writing whole numbers (greater than 1) as fractions.
A gentle reminder:
Math: Students will take the Unit 7 assessment.
ELA: This week, we are reading two nonfiction texts: “The Hopeville Ledger: Town Tackles Energy Debate” and “The Hopeville Ledger Editorial Pages.” We will apply various comprehension skills, such as identifying key details and the main idea, using context clues, analyzing opinions, and examining the structure of news articles and opinion texts.
We will have the 4th grade Honor Roll Assembly at 2:00 on Friday, January 24th. Parents, if your child will be receiving an award, you will receive an email invitation from your teacher.
This week, we will have a spelling test over Unit 5 Week 1 words and the Science vocabulary (sent out on January 10th).
Your child should have come home with an at-home Science experiment on the Concentration of Soft Drink Mixes. The results from this experiment are due on Wednesday, January 22nd.
Also, your child should be coming home in the next week or two with a permission slip from the PE teacher requesting your permission to use the newly installed Rock Wall. Please fill out the form as soon as possible and return it to your child’s teacher.
Please see the 5th grade website's “NES News” tab for more information about what’s happening in 5th grade.
6th grade had a fantastic end to the 2nd quarter this week!
Students created amazing projects covering an Early River Valley Civilization in social studies.
They also worked hard on their 2nd writing assessment in ELA.
We will be celebrating “Halfway Day” on January 21st. 😉
Unfortunately, I talk to many students who don’t eat breakfast before school. It doesn’t have to be extravagant- try (whole wheat) toast with peanut butter and banana, yogurt with fruit and granola, and any combination of protein and complex carbohydrates will fuel your student’s body for a successful day of learning!
Did you know children should drink 5 – 8 cups of water daily to stay hydrated?
Fortunately, we live in a mild climate conducive to children playing outside and being kids! Better yet, parents, join them! Take a family walk after dinner, teach them to ride a bike, develop healthy lifestyle choices, and make screen time the exception rather than the rule for healthy kids!
School Nurse
+39 0444 106 0237
Every Child. One Voice. PTA's mission is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering communities.
Name | Position Details | Phone |
Front Office | Front Office | +39 0444 106 0232 |
Attendance | Attendance | +39 0444 106 0241 |
Registrar | Registrar | +39 0444 106 0240 |
PTA | PTO | |
School Liaison Program | SLO | +39 081 811 6549 |
School Age Care (SAC) | +39 081 811 4722 | |
Transportation Office | Transportation | +39 0444 106 0250 |
Instruction Hours |
PK-6 |
Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri |
Wednesday |
Office Hours |