DoD Instruction 5400.17
Certain content has been removed from this website to align with President Trump’s Executive Orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes."
Certain content has been removed from this website to align with President Trump’s Executive Orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes."
Dear Parents,
We hope everyone is having a wonderful week. We wanted to share some highlights from the past week and celebrate the positive, friendly, and helpful actions happening within our school community.
We’re grateful for the support and positive energy everyone brings to our school. Let’s continue to work together to make every week just as great!
As always, if you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We look forward to another wonderful week ahead!
PreK students will learn that flour is a soft powder made from grains we use to bake bread. We will learn how we grind grains to make the flour we use. We will turn our dramatic play area into a bakery and consider what tools we can add. We will discuss some standard bakery tools like bread pans and rolling pins and use 3D shapes to help describe them!
Kindergarten will celebrate the 100th day of school on Friday, February 7. We are 100 days smarter! All activities that day will focus on the number 100. We invite students to dress up to represent the number 100. We can’t wait to see our students arrive that day!
In math, we will practice counting objects and pictures precisely in a line, rectangular array, circle, and scattered up to 19. This will help prepare us for our upcoming unit on tricky teens, which is the foundation of place value.
Please continue to review sight words and read with your child daily. We also encourage you to play board games with your child and engage in other activities that strengthen their fine motor skills, such as cutting, playing dough, pinching small objects to pick up, etc. Have a great week!
Next week in ELA, we will begin Unit 5, Week 1. The essential question for Unit 5 is: How can technology make a difference in our lives? In phonics, we will work on long a and final—e. In writing, we will work on key details, comparing and contrasting narratives, and writing about our opinions. Our shared reading will be Robots at Work.
In math, we will begin Unit 8: Meanings of Subtraction. This unit will teach us how to analyze word problems to determine what subtraction equation we need to use to solve.
If you have specific questions, please reach out to your child's teacher. Have a wonderful weekend! ☺️
All 2nd-grade students are hard at work preparing their grade-level performance. Performances will take place in the NES Multi-Purpose Room (the cafeteria) on Thursday, 27 February, at 0830, and we invited all family members to attend. Please plan to arrive at the school no later than 0820 so that you can be checked in at the front office and be seated in time for the performance. If you cannot attend, we will record the performance and make it available to families next week.
We are excited to have your students in the spotlight and hope to see you there!
This week in math, we started our Unit 8, equivalent fractions. We have been learning how to identify equivalent fractions using fraction tiles and shading in models.
In ELA, we have continued to learn about character perspectives and how to compare different points of view in the story Jack & The Beanstalk. Next week, we will continue to develop these skills and apply them to the drama The True Jack! We will discuss and write about who students think the true villain is: Jack or the Giant.
In science, we continue to learn about crayfish's structural and behavioral adaptations and will soon move on to magnetism. In social studies, we continue with mapping skills and geography.
We will continue Unit 8 in math: equivalent fractions. We will have a unit 8 assessment on Thursday, February 6th.
In ELA, we will write an opinion essay with reasons and text evidence.
A gentle reminder from the 4th Grade Team:
Thank you!
This week, we will have a spelling test on Unit 5 Week 3 words and the Unit 5 assessment for ELA on Friday, February 7th.
For Social Studies, there will be a vocabulary assessment on Friday, February 7th (flash cards sent out on January 27th)). Please remind your child to study as the assessment is not multiple-choice.
Please see the 5th grade website's “NES News” tab for more information about what’s happening in 5th grade.
The 6th-grade mathematicians are working with exponents.
In ELA, students are finishing their novel unit on “The Color of My Words.”
Comparative Classical Civilizations and Weather are the current social studies and science units.
We hope everyone had a restful winter holiday season and a great new year!
The NES PTA started 2025 with the Grade Level Spelling Bees the week we returned from break and is continuing the momentum to plan for the spring!
Thank you for being patient with our delayed January newsletter-- the linked newsletter below includes dates/fliers for upcoming January events and scheduled dates in February. More may be added to the calendar, including spring spirit wear, Month of the Military Child shirt sales/event information, Friendship Grams, and family events. Be sure to check the NES PTA website and our social media pages often for new information!
Important Dates:
Please visit!
We look forward to an exciting 2nd Semester at Naples Elementary School!
Every Child. One Voice. PTA's mission is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering communities.
For physiological reasons, maintaining adequate fluid intake and optimal hydration is essential for kids, as is adopting healthy, sustainable drinking habits.
Introducing water to your student early and encouraging healthy drink choices/habits are essential to support adequate fluid intake and optimal hydration now and as an adult!
Name | Position Details | Phone |
Front Office | Front Office | +39 0444 106 0232 |
Attendance | Attendance | +39 0444 106 0241 |
Registrar | Registrar | +39 0444 106 0240 |
PTA | PTO | |
School Liaison Program | SLO | +39 081 811 6549 |
School Age Care (SAC) | +39 081 811 4722 | |
Transportation Office | Transportation | +39 0444 106 0250 |
Instruction Hours |
PK-6 |
Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri |
Wednesday |
Office Hours |